Babypark is a Dutch organization with an extensive range of baby products. Through their webshop and physical stores, Babypark offers everything young parents need to give their baby a warm and comfortable start.
However, Babypark is also aware that the care for babies, young children, and their parents in the Netherlands is already at an exceptionally high level. This stands in stark contrast to other parts of the world, such as the Gushegu region in northern Ghana. While in the Netherlands, approximately 1 in over 14,000 pregnant women dies due to pregnancy-related complications, in Ghana (as of 2018), that number is 1 in about 325. What makes this figure even more distressing is that in many cases, it is due to women not seeking medical care, or seeking it too late, during pregnancy or childbirth.
Together, we believe that by providing good and affordable care in the region, combined with accessible education, we can make a difference for hundreds of families, pointing them to the love of Jesus. For this reason, Babypark has committed to being the main sponsor of Queen of Sheba. Both parties are working together to realize the Queen of Sheba maternity clinic and thereby raise the standard of infant care in the region.
For more information about the project, visit Babypark’s website. If you would like to contribute to the construction of the clinic, click here.